Sunday, November 1, 2015

Salesian Youth Rally

A few Fridays ago we had a Salesian Youth Rally here at Mary Help Center.

What's a Salesian Youth Rally?

Well, around the Tampa Bay area there are a few elementary schools run by the Salesians. (One of which is run by those wonderful Sisters I mentioned in another post). And every year, these Salesian schools come together for a day of faith and fun.

Because you know, as the Salesians like to say, faith and fun go together. (which is very true)

They start off with Mass which was celebrated at an outdoor altar with the lake as our backdrop. Having Mass outside was a great new experience because it allows you the opportunity to contemplate the grandeur of God and His beautiful creation as it complements the actual liturgy that you are taking part in.
There were over 700 students here at this rally! It was incredible! And they were filled with so much energy and joy the entire day!

For a quick minute, rewind with me back to the beginning of the Rally when the kids were getting off the bus. I was asked to dress up in a wolf-dog costume and go and greet the kids as they came off the bus. Why? Because I was Grigio. Who is Grigio?
Don Bosco Statue at outdoor altar
Glad you asked. When Don Bosco was still alive and doing God's work, there were a few times when he was in danger. And every time he was in danger, this big dog would come out of nowhere and save him. Once he was out of danger, the dog would mysteriously disappear. Once in a while, Grigio would appear around the youth that Bosco worked with. But he was always friendly and playful with the youth. Don Bosco named this mysterious dog Grigio which simply means gray in Italian. But Grigio is also referred to by many as Don Bosco's "guardian angel" because he always appeared at times Bosco needed him the most. So I dressed up as Grigio and greeted the youth. And being Salesian students they all knew who I was. It was a good time. I encourage everyone to google Grigio and Don Bosco. They're pretty cool short stories.

The rest of their day was filled with games that took place all over the property. It was quite a day!

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